Wed. Jan 8th, 2025

Generally, root canal therapy refers to the beneficial treatment performed to save severely decayed teeth. During this procedure, your dental specialists will use high-tech tools to remove the soft center parts of your teeth that are infected. In addition, dental decays and cavities are always accompanied by sharp and extensive pain, especially when the infection reaches the pulp of your teeth. Root canal therapy will effectively help you deal with discomfort and irritation by removing the main source of pain. As a top endodontist in Toronto explains, there’s no reason to worry about experiencing unbearable pain during root canal therapy because your professional healthcare providers won’t start the process before using local anesthesia to numb the affected site. Learn more about this practical dental process by reading the useful information provided in this article.

When Is Endodontic Treatment Required?

In some cases, the visible surfaces of your teeth will remain safe even if the pulp is completely infected. Therefore, your professionally-trained dentists preserve the structure of the damaged teeth through root canal treatment. Those not willing to undergo this treatment should definitely undergo tooth extraction to stop the spread of infection to the other healthy parts and structures.

The following items are the essential causes of damage to the inner parts of your teeth:

-Severe types of dental decays that result from untreated dental cavities,

-Receiving several dental treatments on a specific tooth.

-Experiencing severe types of dental chips and cracks.

When Is Endodontic Treatment Required?

Those patients who step into the urgent care providers’ offices with common symptoms like unbearable pain, swelling, and teeth sensitivity to different temperatures might require endodontic treatment. Therefore, your professional emergency dentists will use x-rays to diagnose the severity of your condition and start your treatment.

Root Canal Therapy: Step by Step

As the first step, your highly-skilled dental specialists will inject a small amount of anesthesia to numb the gum around the affected teeth so you won’t feel any pain and discomfort. The technical tools and instruments will be used to create a small hole in the crown to access the inner sites of your teeth. As soon as your emergency dentists ensure all infected sites are properly removed. In some cases, after removing the pulp of your injured teeth, your dentists will coat the site with antibiotics to ensure the risk of re-infection is eliminated. Finally, the hole will be sealed with special materials, and a protective crown will be placed on the area to improve the strength of your teeth. Besides, in some cases, oral antibiotics will be prescribed too.

The Recovery After Root Canal Therapy 

As soon as the effect of anesthetic materials wears off, you may feel pain and irritation. Therefore, all experienced and dedicated dentists will prescribe painkillers to manage your conditions effectively. Remember, calling your dental professionals should be at the top of your what-to-do list if your pain worsens or lasts for several days. Another essential point that should be taken into account is that chewing hard things with the affected teeth should be stopped until your dedicated dentists place the protective crowns on the top of your teeth.

By james

Longing to live a fit and healthy lifestyle, james is ready with the health and beauty tips. Reach him, you will agape with his ideas and motivations also drives you to stay fit in rest of your life.